International Agriculture Fair kicks off in Novi Sad, Serbia - Latina News International Agriculture Fair kicks off in Novi Sad, Serbia - Latina News

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

International Agriculture Fair kicks off in Novi Sad, Serbia

NOVI SAD, Serbia,- The 80th International Agriculture Fair (IAF) kicked off Saturday in Novi Sad, Serbia, with over 1500 exhibitors from over 60 countries.

Named as one of top five agricultural fairs in Europe by Eichberg Ag Trade Show Report, IAF in Novi Sad covers the whole food production chain, from crop seeds to food packing.

"Agriculture coupled with food processing industry is now contributing more than 20 percent of Serbian GDP, but it is still underdeveloped as it still faces difficulties, depend on climate circumstances," said Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic, opening the expo. "Serbia is the garden of Europe but it is still far away from being a giant in agriculture industry as we import much more food than we have to. We have to turn this trend around."

Drawing from eight decades of tradition, International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, also known as May Fair, has established itself as most prestigious expo in Southeast Europe, and became a prominent international platform for cooperation in agro-business and food processing industry.

Companies from Hungary, Latvia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Romania, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, China, Poland, India, Cyprus, Ireland, Greece, France and Norway are at the fair in Novi Sad. The fair is expected to be closed on Friday.

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