NEW DELHI:Five handicapped girls raped in western India - Latina News NEW DELHI:Five handicapped girls raped in western India - Latina News

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      Saturday, May 18, 2013

      NEW DELHI:Five handicapped girls raped in western India

      NEW DELHI, May 18- Incidents of rapes refuse to die down in India. In yet another shameful incident, at least five physically challenged girls were allegedly raped and assaulted by two employees at a residential school run by a non-government organization in Jaipur, capital of the western Indian state of Rajasthan.

      Police have arrested the two accused and two others, including the director of Awaaz Foundation that runs the school, after a complaint was lodged late Friday night, a police official said Saturday.

      "The girls, aged between 15 to 17 years, were from a shelter home and sent for training to the hostel run by the Awaaz Foundation, where the employees, Ashok and Suresh, had been sexually exploiting them for some time," Deputy Commission of Police Shweta Dhankar told the media in Jaipur.

      "The girls were raped and beaten, and when they approached the foundation officials, their complaints were ignored. The incident came to fore after the girls, who were deaf and dumb, returned to their shelter home, run by the state government, after completion of the course," the official added.

      Last year, the horrific and fatal gangrape of a 23-year-old medical student by six men on a moving bus in the national capital shocked India, forcing the country's government to introduce new laws to ensure stricter punishment for sexual assaults on women.

      A number of rapes have been reported since the incident, including the alleged gangrape of a Swiss woman tourist in the central state of Madhya Pradesh and that of a five-year-old girl in the Indian capital.

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