Umarov’s ‘right hand’ destroyed in Ingushetia - Latina News Umarov’s ‘right hand’ destroyed in Ingushetia - Latina News

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Umarov’s ‘right hand’ destroyed in Ingushetia

The Russian National Antiterrorist Committee (NAK) confirmed on Tuesday that the so-called ‘military emir of Imarat Kavkaz,’ a deputy of Islamist Chechen warlord Doku Umarov, was destroyed in a special operation in Ingushetia.

According to the Federal Security Service, Dhamaleil Mutaliyev was a leader of militants operating in Ingushetia.

He was responsible for funding terrorists and providing them with weapons, and organizing the terrorist attacks in August 2010 in a Vladikavkaz market and at the police post near the village of Chermen in September 2012, Itar-Tass said.

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