Mexico:Presents Enrique Peña Nieto Plan development 2013-2018 - Latina News Mexico:Presents Enrique Peña Nieto Plan development 2013-2018 - Latina News

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Mexico:Presents Enrique Peña Nieto Plan development 2013-2018

The document is based the five main axes drawn by the President for his six-year term.

MÉXICO, D.F-President Enrique Peña Nieto presented Monday to the leaders of the legislative powers and Judicial, 32 governors and the head of Government of the Federal District, and his legal and extended Cabinet National Plan of development 2013-2018.

The document is based on the five main axes drawn by the President for his six-year term: Mexico in peace, inclusive Mexico, Mexico with quality education for all, prosperous Mexico and Mexico as an actor with greater global responsibility.

On February 28, passed the Executive determined to carry out a national consultation citizen, attended, according to figures from the President by Peña Nieto, more than 200,000 people with their proposals and suggestions to eventually incorporate them into the NDP.

The event will take place at noon on Monday in the Central Patio of the National Palace, attended by 800 people.

A video will be presented and there will only be two speeches: that of the Secretary of the Treasury, Luis Videgaray, responsible for processing the creation of the NDP, and President Pena Nieto.

Within the citizen consultation, according to information from Los Pinos, in Mexico City there was greater participation, with 22%, followed by 15% of the State of Mexico; 8% of Jalisco; 4% of Puebla, and 4% of Veracruz; Queretaro and Baja California 3% each.

Elsewhere, on average it represented by State between 1 and 2%. The consultation civic saw 48 days of exercise - from February 28 to April 16 - with five national forums, one for each goal of the Government of the Republic and 32 State forums; Additionally national forums to listen to women, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, young, mayors and federal entities.

As well as sectoral working groups on justice, the national crusade against hunger, democratization of the productivity and the international projection of Mexico, among others.

In addition it will consult with the Congress of the Union. The results of the national consultation indicate that of the total of participants 28% demonstrated in favour of improving the national education system.

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