Spanish police arrest Eight individuals suspected of recruiting fighters for ‘Syria jihad’ - Latina News Spanish police arrest Eight individuals suspected of recruiting fighters for ‘Syria jihad’ - Latina News

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Spanish police arrest Eight individuals suspected of recruiting fighters for ‘Syria jihad’

Eight individuals,with alleged links to Al-Qaeda, have been arrested in the Spanish territory of Ceuta on suspicion of recruiting jihadi fighters to go to Syria and elsewhere, police say.

“We have broken up a network responsible for sending combatants to Al-Qaeda linked terrorist groups operating in Syria,” the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

It was reported that dozens of people from the area, including minors, were recruited by the group.

Ceuta is an 18.5-square-kilometer (7.1 square mi) autonomous city of Spain and an exclave that shares a western border with Morocco.

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